
  When you do business, purchase from the wholesale markets or shop in China, there are so many chances you can bargain. So learning how to bargain will be very useful.


  The following are some Chinese bargaining and negotiating techniques that will most likely save at least 50%on all your purchases in China.

  Four typesof shoppers in the eyes of a store owner:

A local, who speaks the local dialect (gets the best deal).


A Chinese person from a different city and speaks a different dialect. For example, someone from Beijing visiting Tibet.

A foreigner who lives in China can speak fluent Chinese.

A tourist with little or no Chinese skill (gets the worst deal).


  Price fluctuates from person to person based on your appearance, handle of the Chinese language, their accent, sex, skin color, willingness to not be in a hurry, etc.

  When You Can & Cannot Bargain

  Rule of Thumb

  Sometimes at a small business stores you’ll see signs that say “All prices final” or “No bargain!” —disregard these signs, they mean nothing and are only meant to trick the unknowing.

  ? Street vendors, family-owned stores or small businesses.

  ? Bargain on material items only (gift items, clothing, jade, etc).

  ? Large malls, corporate chains.

  ? Food at a restaurant or on the street.

  ? Automobiles in China. You’ll be hard pressed to have them throw in free floor mats.

  Useful Bargain Techniques

  Compare prices at different stores.

  Keep a mental note of the price quotes. This will help you in two ways,

  ?you will know the average price quote they give for tourists;

  ?you can use this as leverage when you are negotiating .

  Express no emotion.


  If you show excitement or smile when the shop owner sees, you lost your negotiating power. Since they are key indications to the shop owners that you will pay the maximum price. They will take a much harder stance when negotiating prices.

  Express apathy.

  Again, use your poker face. Show disinterest even being at this person’s store. If they show you something, shrug it off like they are wasting your time.

  Point out flaws.

  Look closely and there will be some. Point out the flaws right away — a frayed edge, a knick in the wood, bad color in the jade, an uneven design, a crack. Be sure to point it out with your finger and say,

  If the store owner mentions any price, learn this phrase:“Tai gui le!”(太贵了) which means, “It’s too expensive!”Say it with gusto, in the same way you would respond if someone cut you off in traffic and keep a serious face.

  Never fear.

  The store owner may start to tell you how cheap you are being or may give you disgruntled looks, or may even joke with other people about how “xiao qi” (cheap) you are being. This is part of the process. Don’t falter. They still want your business.

  You get one shot.

  If you leave the store and come back, you have no negotiating power the second time around. The store owner knows you want something and knows you have already compared prices.

  How to Negotiating Prices?

  So you found something you want to get. Here is a step-by-step wayto bargain:

  Cut the price by 75%— if they say 200 RMB, you say 50 or 60 RMB.

  ?They will say, “Okay”. If they say okay, you bid way too high and you should just accept the transaction and pay up.

  ?They will yell “Bu mai!”(I’m not going to sell it that cheap) and wave you off with the back of their hand. If this happens, walk away.

  As you are walking, wait for their second or third offer, take note of how fast they reduce the price. If they make no offer as you are walking away, you bid way too low. (Try changing the initial price to 60-50% off instead of 75%.)

  If they do making counter offers, it should be much closer to the 75% percent off price. Walk back and buy it. Pay with exact change, or give them a bill that is close to what you are paying.

  The Oldest Trick

  Do not hand a hundred for something that costs 5 RMB, since the oldest trick in the book is for them to swap out the 100 with a 50 and they will insist that you only gave them 50.

  If this happens there is nothing you can do and you will not get your money back.

Source: foreignercn





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